Intellectual protection of content

The Content of the website, owned by Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A. (hereinafter also "ADR"), implies the user's acceptance of the following conditions. 

Failure to comply with these may lead to blocked access and – in breaches of legal regulations – reports sent to the competent authorities. 

Reproduction, even partial, is prohibited. 

Intellectual property protection  

All Content on the site is protected by intellectual and/or industrial property laws. The Contents featured in advertisements or information shown to the user by the service or by advertisers are protected by provisions on copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual and/or industrial property rights. 

Unless expressly authorised by ADR S.p.A. or by the advertisers, the user undertakes not to modify or dispose of in any way (whether for free or at charge) the Contents on the site. 

Limitations of liability 

Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A. takes the utmost care and diligence when managing the website and checking and updating its content. 

The website may provide information via links to other sites or content available on the internet. Nevertheless, ADR has limited control over the content of those sites or resources and is therefore not responsible for the services, information or anything else offered by those sites or external resources. Nor is ADR responsible in the event of the user’s failure to use the website, of delays in the updating of information, or of damages deriving from any interruptions, suspensions, delays or anomalies in the connection to the website. ADR reserves the right to interrupt, suspend and/or revoke – at any time and by virtue of its final and discretionary decision – access and use of the website. 

Applicable Law and Competent Court 

For any other dispute that may arise in relation to the use of the website or to these conditions of use, the user accepts the jurisdiction of the Italian State, the application of Italian law and, independently of the user’s residence or offices, the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome (Italy).